Orange Polska Promotions: Up to Six Months Free on Internet and Mobile Services

Internet domowy, abonament komórkowy, telewizja | Orange Polska 🔗

Telefonia komórkowa i stacjonarna, internet domowy i mobilny, telewizja i więcej. Poznaj ofertę Orange i sprawdź nasze korzyści z łączenia usług w pakiety.

Orange Polska offers promotions for home internet, mobile subscriptions, and television services available online until September 19. Customers can enjoy up to six months of free subscription fees, extend their contracts online, and purchase smartphones. Additionally, they can order an extra SIM card with a subscription at no cost for the first few months, eliminating the need for top-ups.

What is the promotion offered by Orange Polska?

Orange Polska is offering promotions for home internet, mobile subscriptions, and television services with up to six months of free subscription when ordered online.

How can I benefit from the promotion?

You can benefit by extending your contract online, purchasing a smartphone, and ordering an extra SIM card with a subscription that is free for the first few months.

Until when is the promotion available?

The promotion is available online until September 19.
