Protecting Your Property: Dealing with the Threat of Squatters in New York
The text discusses the threat of squatters in New York and offers tips on how homeowners can protect their properties from unauthorized occupants. It highlights a case where a property owner faced legal battles with squatters and emphasizes the importance of "No Trespassing" signs and home security systems for legal protection. Additionally, it mentions efforts to change state laws regarding squatters' rights and provides advice from local reporters and a New York Assemblyman.
- New York ABC News affiliate reports on the threat of squatters and offers protection tips for homeowners
- Case of a property owner facing legal battles with squatters is highlighted
- Emphasis on the importance of "No Trespassing" signs and home security systems for legal protection
- Efforts to change state laws regarding squatters' rights are mentioned
- Advice from local reporters and a New York Assemblyman is provided