Secrets to Success: Insights from a 22-Year-Old Making $50,000 Monthly on YouTube

Meet the 22 year old who makes $50,000 per month 🔗

00:00 Meet the 22 year old who makes $50,000 per month

The video features an interview with Yama, a 22-year-old medical student and YouTuber with over 1.3 million subscribers. Despite being diagnosed with ADHD, she consistently earns over $50,000 per month. The interview covers Yama's daily routine, productivity strategies, and how she balances her schedule. Additionally, she shares insights on YouTube growth and monetization strategies, having gained 100,000 subscribers in just 3 months. Yama's life motto is "Kaizen," meaning continuous improvement, which she spreads through her YouTube channel to encourage personal growth in various areas.

01:48 What Ruri’s daily routine looks like

The video features a 22-year-old who makes $50,000 per month. In the segment about her daily routine, she discusses her morning routine, explaining that she used to experiment with waking up at 6:00 a.m. and doing activities like meditation and yoga, but found it to be a waste of time. Her current routine involves waking up, hydrating, having decaf coffee, and then starting work right away. She mentions that she saves activities like yoga and meditation for the afternoon to recharge, as her morning routine is non-existent.

02:59 How to stay productive when you have ADHD

The video features a 22-year-old who shares their experience of making $50,000 per month. In a specific section of the video, the individual discusses their experience with ADHD. They recount how they initially struggled with sitting through long lessons in high school and later realized that their difficulties were related to ADHD. Despite initially attributing their struggles to laziness and procrastination, they eventually sought a diagnosis and have since experimented with various productivity apps, methods, and routines to optimize their life. They also mention creating a Notion template designed for people with ADHD to help with productivity.

04:57 How to measure your own productivity

The video features a 22-year-old who makes $50,000 per month and discusses productivity. The individual shares that their productivity fluctuates, especially when juggling multiple projects. They find it easier to focus when they have only one main task for the day, such as working on YouTube. They measure their productivity by completing crucial tasks and categorizing them into four quadrants based on urgency and importance. Their definition of a productive day is when they complete urgent and important tasks, and focus on not urgent but important tasks.

06:32 Why you should start time tracking (Lessons learned)

The video discusses the importance of time tracking and the lessons learned from it. The speaker shares insights gained from tracking their time, including identifying unproductive periods and implementing strategies to improve focus and productivity. They also talk about the difference between deep work and shallow work, and the realization that achieving 40 hours of deep work per week is a challenging but worthwhile goal. The speaker also mentions using Focus Mate, a website for improving focus and productivity, as a helpful tool.

09:57 Why you should work less and not more

The video features a 22-year-old entrepreneur who shares insights on why working fewer hours can lead to greater efficiency and success. He emphasizes the importance of setting task goals rather than time goals, aiming to complete tasks within a limited timeframe to maintain a work-life balance. The entrepreneur tracks his time for each task to ensure efficiency, setting a goal of working no more than 4 hours a day and 20 hours a week. He also discusses the benefits of tracking time for hobbies and interests to improve and explore new activities.

13:12 How Ruri reads books and what she’s reading

In this video, the 22-year-old entrepreneur Ruri shares her reading habits and the books she's currently reading. She reads multiple books at once to avoid getting bored, including "Rich Dad Poor Dad," "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing," "Never Split the Difference," and two Japanese books. She discusses her approach to reading, emphasizing the importance of reading with purpose and not feeling the need to read every single page. Ruri also recommends the book "Unfair Advantage" for its perspective on overcoming the victim mentality in the face of life's unfairness.

16:28 How Ruri optimizes her own life

In this segment, Ruri discusses how she optimizes her life, including her approach to socializing, communication, and meeting new people. She emphasizes the importance of deep conversations and meaningful connections, and she shares her strategy for managing her sleep, stress, and exercise routine. Ruri believes that prioritizing the basics such as sleep, nutrition, and exercise is crucial before seeking out advanced biohacking methods. She also highlights the significance of progress tracking and encourages people to focus on building a strong foundation for overall well-being.

19:41 Ruri’s workout routine

The video showcases a 22-year-old individual who earns $50,000 per month. In a segment at 19:41, Ruri discusses her workout routine, mentioning that she runs twice a week and does Pilates two to three times a week when in Turkey. In Italy or Dubai, she hits the gym four to five times a week and incorporates group lessons like Pilates dance and bodyweight exercises. Additionally, she plans to start golfing and continue hitting the gym upon returning to Dubai.

20:28 Reysu x Ruri YouTube collab..

The video features a conversation between two YouTubers, Reysu and Ruri, discussing their plans for a 30-day challenge. Reysu initially proposed a running challenge, but Ruri lost interest and deleted the habit tracker for running, realizing it wasn't a topic of high interest for her. They contemplate alternative challenges such as meditation, cortisol level testing, and brain scans, but face difficulties with international regulations for health products. Despite this, they consider continuing the running challenge and exploring meditation.

23:43 How Ruri grew from zero to 1.3 million subscribers

The video features an interview with Ruri, a 22-year-old YouTuber who makes $50,000 per month. Ruri discusses how she grew her channel from zero to 1.3 million subscribers, attributing her success to her long-time passion for YouTube and her dedication to learning about the platform for 8 years. She also credits her previous experience with YouTube and her natural sense for creating engaging content as her unfair advantages. Ruri explains her decision to start a new channel from scratch and her goal to reach 5,000 subscribers, which she achieved after a viral video garnered 30k views overnight. She emphasizes the importance of consistency, dedication, and perseverance in achieving success on YouTube.

30:19 Key advice for content creators on YouTube

The video features a 22-year-old who makes $50,000 per month on YouTube. In the section on key advice for content creators, the speaker emphasizes the importance of having a clear goal and vision before focusing on consistency. They suggest that in the beginning, consistency is important, but having a clear goal and vision is crucial. The speaker also mentions that once established as a big creator, being consistent is not as crucial, and showing up once or twice a month is sufficient.

31:19 Thoughts on chasing viral videos

The 22-year-old YouTuber, who earns $50,000 per month, shares his thoughts on chasing viral videos. He believes that chasing virality is not a sign of true success and can lead to burnout. He dislikes the idea of going viral because it brings in random viewers who are not interested in the creator's mission, resulting in lower viewer engagement and message delivery. He emphasizes the importance of building a community and having a dedicated audience over chasing viral fame.

33:26 The importance of building community

The 22-year-old entrepreneur discusses the importance of building a community for self-improvement and mutual support. She plans to establish a safe space for individuals striving for more from life, aiming to create a strong and motivating community for those chasing their dreams and goals. Despite not meeting many creators, she values deep friendships over a wide network.

35:55 The power of creating a YouTube mastermind

In this video, the speaker discusses the power of creating a YouTube mastermind and the benefits of meeting other creators. They emphasize the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who are also working towards their goals. The speaker believes that being part of a mastermind group helps set higher expectations for oneself and provides social accountability. They share personal experiences of meeting with other creators and the positive impact it has had on their productivity and creativity. The speaker also mentions the frequency and duration of their mastermind meetings, highlighting the value of bouncing ideas off each other and learning from one another.

39:14 How to gamify success

The video features a 22-year-old who makes $50,000 per month and discusses the concept of gamifying success. The speaker shares their perspective on the importance of accountability in achieving goals, noting that while it can be helpful and make the process more enjoyable, it is not necessary for success. They provide their personal experience of achieving success in creating videos without formal accountability, but acknowledge that having accountability can make the process less stressful and provide valuable feedback. The speaker also discusses how accountability helped them detach from their emotional attachment to their goals and approach them more logically.

40:58 The hardest habits for Ruri to implement

The 22-year-old entrepreneur Ruri shares the challenges of maintaining good habits, such as going to bed early. Despite wanting to sleep at 10:00 p.m., she often finds herself staying up late due to feeling more inspired and focused at night. To combat this, she has implemented strategies like setting phone and computer locks at 10:00 p.m. and reading non-fiction before bed to avoid getting too excited and staying up late. Ruri also shares her struggle with reading fiction, as she tends to get so engrossed that she stays up all night to finish the book.

44:52 The best investments Ruri has ever made

The 22-year-old entrepreneur, Ruri, shares the best investments she has made, which include:

46:35 Thoughts on hiring and outsourcing for YouTube

The video discusses the thoughts on hiring and outsourcing for YouTube. The speaker shares their experience with outsourcing tasks such as hiring a thumbnail designer, but ultimately deciding to do it themselves due to their ability to easily come up with ideas. They express the difficulty in finding a good thumbnail designer but plan to work with a new one for execution only. The speaker advises that as a content creator, outsourcing depends on the goal, suggesting that if the goal is to build a relationship with the audience, tasks like scripting, coming up with ideas, and editing thumbnails should be done personally for a deeper connection with the audience.

48:35 Ruri's final message

The video features a 22-year-old who makes $50,000 per month. In the final message, Ruri advises creators to have the courage to be disliked and not be understood, emphasizing the freedom that comes with self-acceptance and self-love. She recommends the book "The Courage to Be Disliked" and encourages viewers to subscribe for more content.
