Exploring Systems Mapping: A Guide to Complex Problem Solving

BOOK LAUNCH: Systems Mapping: how to build and use causal models of systems ๐Ÿ”—

00:00 Welcome and Introduction

The launch of the book "Systems Mapping: How to Build and Use Causal Models of Systems" by Pete Barbara Johnson and Alexandra Pen is introduced by Paul Brand. He discusses the importance of systems mapping in policy evaluation, especially across complex domains like food, energy, and water.

06:30 Overview of the Book

Pete and Alex elaborate on the book's content, which includes seven core methods for systems mapping developed with input from practitioners. They emphasize practical advice and guidance on running workshops and choosing the right methods for various contexts.

16:45 Purpose and Audience

The authors explain that the book is aimed at both newcomers and experienced practitioners in systems mapping, providing a comprehensive guide to understanding and applying various mapping methods effectively.

25:00 Systems Mapping Methods

A detailed discussion follows about different systems mapping methods, including rich pictures, causal loop diagrams, and system dynamics. Each method's strengths and limitations are explored, highlighting how they can be used for effective problem-solving in complex systems.

40:00 Value of Systems Mapping

The benefits of systems mapping are presented, such as improving communication, facilitating collaboration, and aiding in decision-making processes. The authors advocate for a participatory approach to enhance understanding among stakeholders.

50:00 Challenges and Innovations

Panelists discuss challenges in applying systems mapping in practice, such as political barriers and the need for effective facilitation. They emphasize the importance of evolving practices and integrating systems thinking into broader societal contexts.

1:05:00 Closing Remarks

The discussion concludes with reflections on the future of systems mapping and the importance of fostering a culture of systems thinking within policy and society.

What is the main purpose of the book "Systems Mapping"?

The book aims to provide practical guidance on various systems mapping methods to help practitioners effectively analyze and address complex problems in policy evaluation.

Who can benefit from reading this book?

The book is intended for a wide audience, including newcomers to systems mapping, experienced practitioners, and those involved in decision-making processes related to complex systems.

What are some common mistakes made in systems mapping?

Common mistakes include treating systems maps as definitive representations of reality rather than as tools for exploration and understanding, and failing to clarify the status of the maps and their intended use.
