The Legacy of Rialda Kadrić in 'Žikina dinastija'

Rialda Kadrić prvi poljubac iskusila je u "Žikinoj dinastiji": Nećete verovati koliko je godina imala i ko je trebalo umesto nje da glumi Mariju! 🔗

"Žikina dinastija" jedan je od najvoljenijih filmskih serijala u Srbiji. Mnogi delovi ovog serijala smatraju kultnim jer su ostavili dubok trag u jugoslovenskoj filmskoj industriji.

Rialda Kadrić experienced her first kiss at the age of 14 while filming the beloved Serbian series "Žikina dinastija." Originally named "Lude godine," the series has left a significant mark on the Yugoslav film industry. Interestingly, the role of Marija Todorović was initially intended for Sonja Savić, but Rialda's performance proved to be a perfect fit, showcasing her talent in the role. The series underwent various changes, including character surnames and dynamics, notably when Žika and Milan became best friends in the film "Kakav deda takav unuk." Rialda's passing in 2021 at the age of 58 drew attention to the complexities of age and character portrayals in the series, as she often played the mother of actors who were close in age to her.

What is "Žikina dinastija"?

"Žikina dinastija" is a popular Serbian film series, originally titled "Lude godine," known for its cultural impact and beloved characters.

At what age did Rialda Kadrić have her first kiss?

Rialda Kadrić had her first kiss at the age of 14 while filming "Žikina dinastija."

Who was originally supposed to play Marija Todorović?

The role of Marija Todorović was initially intended for Sonja Savić, but Rialda Kadrić ultimately took the role and was well-received for her performance.
