Federal Reserve's Interest Rate Cut Expectations Amid CPI Drop

높아지는 9월 0.25%P 인하 전망…9월6일 고용지표에 달렸다[오미주] 🔗

미국 소비자 물가지수(CPI)가 2%대로 낮아짐에 따라 제롬 파월 연방준비제도(연준) 의장이 다음주 잭슨홀 연설에서 오는 9월 금리 인하를 위한 초석을 마련할 것으로 예상된다. 다만 9월 금리 인하의 폭은 오는 9월6일에 나오는 8월 고용지표에 따라 결정될 것으로 보인다. ━CPI 상승률, 2년 4개월만에 2%대━미국 노동부는 14일(현지시간) 지난

The text discusses the increasing expectations for a 0.25% interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve in September, influenced by the recent drop in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to 2.9%. The final decision regarding the rate cut will depend on the employment data scheduled for release on September 6. The Fed's Chairman, Jerome Powell, is anticipated to signal this rate cut during his upcoming Jackson Hole speech. As market sentiment improves, the predictions for a larger cut of 0.5% have decreased significantly. Economists express differing views on the potential outcomes based on the employment data, suggesting varying scenarios for future interest rate changes.

What is the expected interest rate cut in September?

The expected interest rate cut in September is 0.25%, with some predictions also considering a possibility of a 0.5% cut, depending on employment data.

Why is the employment data important for the interest rate decision?

The employment data scheduled for release on September 6 is important because it will influence the Federal Reserve's decision on whether to proceed with a rate cut and the magnitude of that cut.

What has changed in market predictions regarding the interest rate cut?

Market predictions have shifted significantly, showing a 64% chance for a 0.25% cut and a 36% chance for a 0.5% cut, as concerns about economic recession have eased recently.
