French Government's Initiative to Improve Palliative Care

Fin de vie : cinq questions sur les "soins d'accompagnement" palliatifs que le gouvernement veut développer 🔗

Le ministère de la Santé s'apprête à présenter un plan pour mieux soulager et accompagner les malades, indépendamment de l'éventuelle "aide à mourir" qui sera débattue à partir de la fin mai au Parlement.

The French government aims to develop "accompaniment care" palliative services to ensure quality care for all terminally ill patients. This initiative includes a 10-year plan to increase funding for palliative care and develop new "accompaniment care" units, reflecting a shift in terminology to emphasize early and comprehensive patient support. Despite the benefits of palliative care, there are limitations, as evidenced by persistent requests for euthanasia or assisted suicide among some patients. This has prompted discussions about the compatibility of active assistance in dying with palliative care, with some healthcare professionals expressing opposition and others being more open to the idea.
