The Spiritual Risks of Yoga for Christians

'You're Opening Demonic Doors': Ex-Psychic's Warning About Yoga 🔗

00:00 Introduction to Yoga Concerns

Jen, a former psychic turned Christian, discusses yoga's spiritual roots and its implications for Christians. Yoga, originating from Hinduism, involves postures that honor numerous false gods, leading to concerns about spiritual vulnerability.

02:30 The Dangers of Yoga for Christians

Practicing yoga can open "demonic doors," as it involves worshiping gods contrary to Christian beliefs. Jen emphasizes that yoga poses, even when seen as exercise, are tied to idolatry and spiritual risks, including anxiety and confusion.

05:45 Meditation vs. Prayer

Jen contrasts new age meditation with Christian prayer, highlighting that the former can open one's mind to demonic influence while the latter focuses on God’s truth. She warns against the deceptive nature of practices that seem benign.

08:20 The Popularity of Yoga

The widespread acceptance of yoga is attributed to a desire for instant relief and spiritual experiences. Jen cautions that such practices can lead individuals away from God, emphasizing the importance of understanding the spiritual implications of yoga.

11:00 Understanding Chakras

Chakras, energy centers in Hinduism, are linked to yoga practices. Jen explains that yoga postures are intended to honor these beliefs, drawing attention to specific poses and their spiritual significance.

13:30 Conclusion and Book Promotion

Jen shares her new book, which explores new age practices and testimonies of those who have left such lifestyles. She encourages readers to seek truth and warns against practices that may invite demonic influence.

What are the spiritual implications of practicing yoga according to Jen?

Practicing yoga can open "demonic doors" and lead to worshiping false gods, which is seen as idolatry and can result in spiritual confusion and anxiety.

How does Jen differentiate between meditation and prayer?

Jen explains that new age meditation opens the mind to external influences, while prayer focuses on filling the mind with God's truth, making a clear distinction between the two practices.

What are chakras and how do they relate to yoga?

Chakras are considered energy centers in Hinduism, and specific yoga poses are believed to honor these beliefs, linking yoga directly to spiritual practices contrary to Christian teachings.
