Uncovering the Link Between Milk Consumption, Longevity, and Health

The Longevity Expert: "The Link Between Milk & Cancer & Ozempic Can Really Mess You Up!" đź”—

00:00 Intro

In this video, Dr. Mark Hyman, a leading expert in functional medicine, discusses the link between milk consumption and health issues. He emphasizes the problems with current dairy products and the need for better solutions to combat obesity and metabolic dysfunction. Dr. Hyman also highlights the potential dangers of certain weight-loss medications and the importance of education in controlling food behavior. He encourages viewers to prioritize strength training and healthy eating habits for longevity. Additionally, he urges viewers to support the channel by subscribing to access more valuable content and guests.

02:06 What Is Your Mission 03:08 What’s Functional Medicine?

The video features a discussion with a longevity expert about functional medicine and its approach to solving the puzzle of chronic disease. Functional medicine looks at root causes, views the body as a system, and focuses on creating health rather than just treating symptoms. It emphasizes personalized diagnosis and treatment, considering that one cause can lead to many diseases, and one disease can have many causes. The expert also highlights the importance of considering multifactored causes of disease and multimodal interventions for optimal health.

06:29 I Couldn’t Function Properly, My Health Deteriorated Massively.

In this video, the Longevity Expert shares their personal health journey and experiences that led them to focus on health and helping people. After suffering from a severe illness and chronic fatigue syndrome, they delved into functional medicine and discovered the impact of nutrition and lifestyle on health. They have since dedicated their life to understanding the root causes of chronic diseases and advocating for changes in food policies to alleviate needless suffering. Their work focuses on addressing the impact of diet, environmental toxins, and nutritional deficiencies on chronic diseases, and they emphasize the importance of addressing these root causes to improve public health.

13:06 The Food System Is Damaging Our Health.

In the video "The Longevity Expert: The Link Between Milk & Cancer & Ozempic Can Really Mess You Up!" the speaker discusses the damaging impact of the food system on our health. He emphasizes that the current food landscape in America is filled with highly processed and addictive substances that drive our biology in negative ways. As a result, 93% of the population suffers from some form of metabolic dysfunction. The speaker personally follows a strict rule of not consuming anything that comes in a package or is highly processed. He emphasizes the importance of planning and bringing your own food to avoid making unhealthy choices in the toxic nutritional landscape of America.

16:22 The Primitive Instinct That Make You Eat Junk Food.

In this video, the longevity expert discusses the primitive instinct that drives people to eat junk food, especially when hungry late at night. The emotional part of the brain becomes more active in these situations, leading to bad food choices driven by the desire for dopamine. The expert emphasizes the importance of planning meals to engage the logical center of the brain in making food choices, rather than relying on willpower. Sleep deprivation and stress can increase cravings for carbs and sugar, highlighting the impact of these factors on food behavior.

18:24 How to Stay Healthy in Today's Unhealthy World.

In the video "The Longevity Expert: The Link Between Milk & Cancer & Ozempic Can Really Mess You Up!" the speaker discusses how to stay healthy in an unhealthy world, especially for those who may not have the same privileges or financial resources. The speaker emphasizes the importance of education in making healthy choices and shares a story about a family living in a food desert and struggling with health issues. By educating them about real food and cooking a simple meal together, the family was able to make significant improvements in their health, demonstrating that eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive. The speaker also highlights the negative impact of ultra-processed foods on physical and mental health, and the need for policy changes to promote healthier eating habits.

24:21 Is Milk Good for Us?

In the video "The Longevity Expert: 'The Link Between Milk & Cancer & Ozempic Can Really Mess You Up!'", the speaker discusses the myth that milk is great for bones and growth. They mention that the dairy industry is influential and that the science behind milk's benefits is not strong. The speaker also points out that milk consumption is heavily promoted by the government and can lead to various health issues, such as weight gain, cancer, digestive problems, and autoimmune diseases. They emphasize the importance of being science-driven and highlight the influence of the food industry on government agencies and policies.

27:54 Are There Health Benefits to It?

In the video "The Longevity Expert: The Link Between Milk & Cancer & Ozempic Can Really Mess You Up!" the speaker discusses the potential health issues with modern milk consumption. He explains that modern milk, derived from A1 cows, may be problematic due to its inflammatory nature and potential to cause gut issues. The speaker suggests that A2 milk from certain cows, as well as goat or sheep milk, may be better options due to their lower likelihood of causing reactions in the body. He also mentions that many people have dairy sensitivities and recommends consuming dairy products from the right sources based on individual genetics.

29:49 Ozmepic Drugs, Are They Good?

The video discusses the drug Ozempic, which is used for weight loss and diabetes. The drug acts on the GLP-1 pathway and has been effective in weight loss, but it comes with several downsides. The cost of the drug is high, and it needs to be taken continuously to maintain weight loss. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, and loss of muscle mass, which can affect overall health. Long-term use of the drug can have serious consequences like bowel obstruction and pancreatitis. The speaker emphasizes the need to address the root causes of obesity and weight gain rather than relying on pharmaceutical solutions.

39:28 Fruit

In this video, the Longevity Expert discusses the link between fruit consumption and metabolic health, particularly for diabetics. He explains that different fruits can have different effects on blood sugar levels, and advocates for consuming whole fruits over fruit juice. The expert also emphasizes the importance of consuming protein and fat in the morning to support metabolism and protein synthesis, and advises against consuming high-sugar breakfast foods like cereal and sweetened yogurts.

40:53 When Should We Eat?

The video discusses the importance of fasting for our biological systems and how it affects our body's repair and renewal processes. The expert emphasizes the significance of giving the body a window of fasting, at least 12 hours, to activate its innate healing and regeneration system. The highly processed diet and excessive intake of sugar and starch can disrupt our body's nutrient sensing systems, leading to disease. The expert suggests a 14-hour fast from dinner to breakfast as an optimal approach to support the body's clean up, recycling, and repair processes.

42:45 Evolutionary Story Behind Fasting.

In the video, the Longevity Expert discusses the evolutionary story behind fasting, emphasizing how our ancestors had to hunt and gather for food, leading to periods of feast and famine. These fluctuations in food availability activated the body's system of conservation and repair, improving blood sugar control, reducing inflammation, and initiating cellular cleanup and repair processes. The expert highlights the benefits of fasting, citing examples such as concentration camp survivors living long lives due to periods of deep starvation. The video stresses the importance of timing when it comes to eating, recommending a 3-hour gap before bed with no food and at least 12 to 14 hours between dinner and breakfast.

44:36 Restricting Your Calories vs Fasting.

In this video, the longevity expert discusses the link between calorie restriction and longevity. He explains that restricting calories may not be as effective as fasting in mimicking the benefits of starvation, such as autophagy. The expert mentions various methods to mimic starvation, including overnight fasting, supplements, and medications like rapamycin and metformin. He emphasizes the importance of balance, cautioning against extreme measures that could lead to muscle loss and disordered eating. The discussion touches on the potential benefits and risks of these approaches in promoting longevity.

47:57 What Are Blue Zones, and the Importance of Studying Them?

The video discusses the concept of Blue Zones, which are areas in the world where people live exceptionally long lives. The speaker visited some Blue Zones and learned about the nature of being healthy. Blue Zones include Okinawa, Japan; Loma Linda, California; the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica, and others. The speaker observed people living up to 100-110 years old, with some couples collectively reaching 210 years. The video emphasizes the importance of studying these Blue Zones to understand the factors contributing to longevity.

49:06 Starvation Is Good for Us.

In this video, the longevity expert discusses the benefits of a lifestyle in isolated and remote areas with minimal modernization of the food system. He shares examples of individuals in their 90s and 100s who lead active lives, grow their own food, and consume phytochemical-rich foods such as goat milk and goat cheese. These individuals maintain low levels of stress and have a strong sense of community, which contributes to their overall well-being and longevity.

53:18 Loneliness Is Killing People.

In the video "The Longevity Expert: The Link Between Milk & Cancer & Ozempic Can Really Mess You Up!", the speaker discusses the detrimental effects of loneliness on health, comparing it to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. Loneliness is described as an epidemic in America and globally, leading to disease and death. The speaker attributes loneliness to societal changes, such as reliance on the internet and disconnection from family and community. However, there is hope for combating loneliness through community-building and initiatives focused on connection and belonging, such as the "belong Center".

56:15 We Need Systemic Solutions for Our Health Problems.

In this video, the speaker discusses the need for systemic solutions to address health problems, particularly in relation to longevity and diet. They emphasize the importance of designing societies with regulations, policies, green spaces, libraries, and community centers. The speaker shares their experience in Haiti, where they learned about the power of community health workers and the impact of community on individual health. They also highlight the significance of community-based wellness programs, such as The Daniel Plan, which focuses on faith, friends, food, fitness, and mindset. The speaker stresses the role of purpose in longevity and the transformative power of community in improving health behaviors.

59:23 How to Add 7 Years to Your Lifespan.

In the video "The Longevity Expert: 'The Link Between Milk & Cancer & Ozempic Can Really Mess You Up!'", the speaker discusses how having meaning and purpose in life can add seven years to your lifespan, as shown in a recent paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association. He emphasizes that meaning and purpose can be personal and diverse, such as being there for a grandchild, making a discovery as a scientist, or writing a novel. The speaker also shares his own purpose of ending needless suffering for millions of people through a new thinking and model, along with a new company he co-founded called Function Health. He highlights the importance of empowering people with their own health data and an AI co-pilot to improve their health in real time. Additionally, he emphasizes the significance of designing one's life around their values and passions.

01:00:57 Retiring Is Detrimental to Our Health.

The video discusses the detrimental effects of retiring on our health, emphasizing the importance of having a purpose in life. The speaker shares examples of how retiring can lead to a higher death rate, particularly among those who have lost a spouse. A case is highlighted where emotional shock and loss led to a man experiencing heart failure, demonstrating the impact of emotional well-being on physical health. The video stresses the significance of the mind and emotional well-being in maintaining overall health and well-being.

01:02:49 The Role of Trauma in Our Longevity.

The video discusses the role of trauma in longevity, emphasizing the link between trauma and various health issues. The speaker highlights the ACE questionnaire, which assesses adverse childhood events and their impact on health. They also mention the book "The Body Keeps the Score" and discuss how trauma affects biology. The video explores the use of psychedelics in treating trauma, particularly PTSD, and introduces the organization MAPS (The Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies) as a resource for research on treating depression, anxiety, and trauma-related issues.

01:05:22 The Power of Psychedelics.

In this segment, the speaker discusses his experiences with psychedelics, having tried various types including mushrooms, LSD, peyote, and more. He shares how psychedelics have helped him personally and discusses his involvement in a psychedelics company. He also touches on the potential of psychedelics for mental health treatment and mentions a compound from West Africa that shows promise in treating addiction and withdrawal symptoms. The speaker also shares his personal experience with trauma and its impact on his life, and how addressing the trauma has helped him recover.

01:10:22 Healing Journey to Overcome Trauma.

The video features a discussion about overcoming trauma and its impact on relationships and health. The speaker shares personal experiences of trauma from their mother and how it affected their relationships. They discuss the effects of trauma on attachment styles, the process of healing, and the use of therapy and psychedelic medicine to overcome trauma. The speaker emphasizes the possibility of healing at any age and the potential for upgrading biological and emotional well-being. They also touch upon the potential of psychedelic medicine for mental health. Despite interruptions from a sponsored message, the speaker's message about the potential for healing and growth is clear.

01:17:00 How to Lower Our Biological Age.

In the video "The Longevity Expert: 'The Link Between Milk & Cancer & Ozempic Can Really Mess You Up!'", the speaker discusses how to lower our biological age. The subtitles briefly mention LinkedIn's efforts to simplify the hiring process and the high success rate of small businesses in finding qualified candidates through LinkedIn Jobs. Viewers are encouraged to post their job for free at

01:17:31 Artificial Sugars.

The video discusses the link between diet and longevity, focusing on the impact of artificial sugars and the importance of protein intake and strength training for building muscle and promoting longevity. The speaker emphasizes the need to eat real food, eliminate ultra-processed food, and reduce sugar and starch intake. Additionally, he advocates for a phytochemically rich diet, emphasizing colorful vegetables, good fats, and the right types of protein. The speaker also addresses the role of meat in the diet, advocating for regeneratively raised meat as a nutrient-dense source of protein. Finally, the importance of resistance training for maintaining muscle strength and preventing age-related health issues is highlighted.

01:22:53 What Is Exposome?

The video discusses the concept of exposome and its impact on health. The speaker shares insights on the debate surrounding artificial sweeteners, highlighting potential conflicts of interest in research funding. They emphasize the importance of diet, exercise, community, and stress management for biological age and longevity, while also mentioning the benefits of meditation and enjoying life.

01:24:28 How Is Trauma Passed Down Generations?

In this video, the longevity expert discusses the concept of the exposome, which encompasses everything a person has been exposed to in their life and how it impacts their biology. The exposome includes factors such as diet, exercise, thoughts, feelings, environmental toxins, and relationships. The expert highlights the influence of the exposome on gene expression, biological age, and overall health. Additionally, the video touches on the potential for interventions, lifestyle changes, and drugs to reverse biological age and regulate gene expression through epigenetic behavior changes.

01:27:46 The Biggest Discovery About Longevity & Health.

The video explores the link between trauma and inherited genetics, citing examples of Holocaust survivors' children and offspring of women pregnant during 9/11. The speaker discusses the impact of toxins on future generations, citing a study involving glyphosate and its effects on three generations of mice. The concept of epigenetics and its role in genetic inheritance is explained, drawing comparisons between Lamarck and Darwin's theories of evolution. The importance of "being" and slowing down in life, as observed in blue zones, is emphasized through a personal anecdote about connecting with an elderly Sardinian man. The power of deep connections, love, and belonging as a form of medicine is highlighted.

01:32:16 How to Have Access to What Happens in Our Body.

The video discusses the impact of modern lifestyles on our health and the importance of connecting with nature. The speaker shares his personal experience of feeling overwhelmed by the pace of his life and realizing the need for a nature break to calm his nervous system. He introduces the concept of "nature deficit disorder" and highlights the positive effect of spending time in nature on heart rate variability as observed in a friend's experience. The video emphasizes the significance of slowing down, breathing, and reconnecting with nature for overall well-being.

01:34:17 The Last Guest Question.

The video features a conversation with Dr. Mark Hyman, who discusses his new company called Function, aiming to provide individuals with access to their own biology and personalized health insights. Function offers comprehensive testing, including blood tests and biomarker tracking, to identify a range of health issues such as nutritional deficiencies, inflammation, and undetected medical conditions. Dr. Hyman emphasizes the transformative potential of AI in healthcare and the affordability of Function's services. The discussion also touches on the impact of stress on health and the use of technology, like the Whoop device, for stress management.
