The Great Guilt and the Deaf Effect: Understanding Human Nature

The Great Guilt that causes the Deaf Effect 🔗

While it’s all-relieving to end our ‘Great Guilt’, having it suddenly revealed can cause a ‘Deaf Effect’ which is what this booklet is about overcoming.

The Great Guilt that causes the Deaf Effect explores the psychological burden humans carry due to their corrupted condition, which stems from an inability to accept their once innocent nature. Biologist Jeremy Griffith argues that this "Great Burden of Guilt" leads to a phenomenon he calls the "Deaf Effect," where many people struggle to engage with discussions about the human condition. Griffith's work aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of why humans have become competitive and selfish, contrasting that with their original state of cooperative innocence. Through various testimonies and insights, the text emphasizes the need for a shift in awareness to overcome the Deaf Effect and embrace a healing understanding of humanity's true nature.

What is the "Great Burden of Guilt"?

The "Great Burden of Guilt" refers to the immense guilt and shame that humans feel for corrupting their original cooperative and loving nature.

What does the "Deaf Effect" mean?

The "Deaf Effect" is a term used to describe the initial difficulty many people experience when trying to engage with discussions about the corrupted human condition, often dismissing it as boring or tedious.

Why is Jeremy Griffith's work considered important?

Griffith's work is seen as important because it provides a comprehensive understanding of the human condition, aiming to heal the psychological issues stemming from humanity's guilt and shame about its corrupted state.
