American Students Protest US Support for Israel's Actions in Gaza

صمود غزة يثمر ربيعًا آخر 🔗

المظاهرات تضرب السياسات الأميركية في العمق، ولهذا فقد أصابت بايدن ـ المُحتل صهيونيًا- بحرج بالغ، فجعلته يرتبك أكثر مما هو مرتبك، فيتهم المتظاهرين بمعاداة السامية!

The text discusses the recent protests by American students against their government's support for Israel's actions in Gaza. It highlights the similarities between these protests and the ones from fifty years ago, drawing attention to the impact on politics and society. The demonstrations have spread to over 40 universities, with some involving Jewish students and organizations calling for an end to military aid to Israel. The protests have led to clashes with police and arrests, reflecting a shifting political and societal landscape in the United States.
