The Biden Administration's Foreign Policy and the Uncertainty Surrounding US Aid to Ukraine

Makabryczna polityka zagraniczna Bidena. Czy sojusznicy nadal mogą liczyć na USA? 🔗

Okazuje się, że dalsze wsparcie z USA dla Ukrainy wcale nie jest zagwarantowane. W najgorszym przypadku może zostać właściwie porzucona przez Waszyngton, w najlepszym we wspieraniu będą występować przerwy, tak jak teraz. I wcale nie jest do tego potrzebna prezydentura Donalda Trumpa.

The text discusses the disappointing foreign policy of the Biden administration, particularly in relation to the support for Ukraine. It highlights the internal political struggles within the US Congress and the shifting priorities within the Republican Party, which have contributed to the uncertainty surrounding US aid to Ukraine. Additionally, it criticizes the Biden administration for its lack of effectiveness in international conflicts, citing examples such as the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and the escalating tensions in the Middle East. The text concludes with a reflection on the historical resilience of the United States and the hope for its continued strength, while acknowledging the heightened international risks during the upcoming US election year.
