California Governor Faces Opposition Over Income-based Electricity Billing Policy

Newsom Stands By ‘Equitable’ Electricity Bills As Public Opposition Builds 🔗

California governor Gavin Newsom is standing the state’s soon-to-be-implemented “equitable” policy to base electricity bills on income, rather than usage, even as public and political opposition to the idea builds in the Democratic coalition.

The text discusses California governor Gavin Newsom's support for an upcoming "equitable" policy to base electricity bills on income rather than usage, despite growing opposition within the Democratic coalition. The policy has been met with public outcry and criticism from Democratic lawmakers, tenants' advocates, and environmental groups. The state's utilities commission is still deliberating the specifics of the income-based fee, which has sparked concerns about increased costs, reduced consumer control over energy bills, and its impact on the state's climate goals.
