Controversy Surrounding Mayor's Lavish Spending and Financial Misconduct in Dolton, Illinois

‘Super mayor’ of Illinois town who spends lavishly on flights, steakhouses while village faces debt slams critics ‘attacking a black woman in power’ 🔗

Tiffany Henyard, a Democrat who was elected to mayor of Dolton in 2021, claimed at a public meeting on Monday her critics are just upset because she is a black woman in power.

The self-proclaimed "super mayor" of Dolton, Illinois, Tiffany Henyard, has come under fire for her extravagant spending of public funds on personal trips, upscale dining, and billboards bearing her name. Critics have accused her of misusing taxpayer money and neglecting the village's financial woes, which have resulted in budget cuts and public safety concerns. Despite facing allegations of forged checks and financial misconduct, Henyard has defended her actions, attributing the backlash to racism and portraying herself as a victim. Additionally, she has implemented a controversial salary plan that has raised further scrutiny.
