European Political Landscape: EPP Victory, Rise of Ultraconservatives, and Socialist Growth

Super Poll Q&A: Is EU-wide conservative coalition losing momentum? 🔗

The Euronews Super Polls foresee an election victory for the EPP, unprecedented growth for the ultraconservatives, and a slight increase for the socialists. Data suggest that crafting the future ruling coalition could turn out to be a political conundrum.

The Euronews Super Polls indicate a projected election victory for the EPP with significant growth for ultraconservative parties and a slight increase for socialists. The right-wing majority in the European Parliament seems certain, but the conservative groups are facing internal rifts and contradictions. The liberal-democrats are on a declining path. Key developments include the potential impact of the SS scandal on the far-right party in Germany, the rise of the Socialist Party in France, and the dynamics of the conservative camp in Italy. The Super Polls also provide insights into the political landscape in Spain, Romania, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Hungary.
