Understanding Federalism in the Constitution of India

What is federalism ? - Federalism under the Constitution of India 🔗

In this article, Uzzair discusses Federalism under the Indian Constitution – Meaning and Features. A federal government is a system of government that separates the power between central government and state government of the country. It delegates certain responsibilities to each sector so that the central government has its own task to do and state government […]

The text discusses federalism under the Constitution of India, highlighting the nature of Indian federalism and the federal features of the Indian Constitution, as well as the ways in which the Goods and Services Tax (GST) undermines the federal structure. It also presents examples of federalism in respect of GST and taxes on alcohol, petrol, and diesel, and discusses non-federal features of the Indian Constitution. The text explores what makes India quasi-federal and presents a constitutional debate on federalism, along with important cases that have influenced the understanding of federalism in India. It concludes that the Indian government is quasi-federal in nature due to its combination of features of both a federal and unitary government.
