The Unprecedented Immigration Crisis in the United States

An Immigration Crisis Beyond Imagining - Imprimis ๐Ÿ”—

Of the over 7.6 million illegals encountered by Border Patrol since January 2021, the number allowed to stay inside the U.S. is somewhere north of five million. But with the percentage of those allowed to stay now approaching 100 percent, if current trends hold, the total allowed to remain in the U.S. under the Biden administration will reach ten million by next January.

The text discusses the current immigration crisis in the United States, highlighting the unprecedented surge in illegal border crossings and the failure of policies to deter, block, detain, and deport illegal immigrants. It describes the impact of this crisis on various aspects of American society, such as public safety, education, healthcare, and the economy. The text also outlines the policies implemented by the Trump administration to control illegal immigration and the subsequent reversal and relaxation of these policies by the Biden administration, leading to a significant increase in illegal crossings. It concludes with suggestions for addressing the border crisis, emphasizing the need to enforce immigration laws and restore cooperation with Mexico to reinstate deterrent policies.
