Arena Sport Expands Availability in the Western Balkans

ARENA SPORT I SPORTKLUB NA JEDNOM MESTU? Korisnici SBB-a nestrpljivi da saznaju da li će imati sve u ponudi - Ovo je zvaničan odgovor! 🔗

Telekom Srbija grupa saopštila je da će Arena Sport kanali, uz proširenu sportsku ponudu, biti dostupni u još većem broju domaćinstava širom Zapadnog Balkana. Ovaj potez označava značajan korak ka omogućavanju široj publici pristup vrhunskim sportskim sadržajima.

Telekom Srbija has announced that Arena Sport channels, along with an expanded sports offer, will soon be available to more households across the Western Balkans. This development allows SBB to include both Arena Sport and Sportklub channels, giving users access to all major sports events on various TV platforms. However, Arena Sport will no longer purchase new sports content for Croatia and Slovenia as part of a strategy to strengthen its presence in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and North Macedonia. This shift aims to enhance service quality and provide a comprehensive sports programming experience for fans in the region.

Will SBB users have access to Arena Sport and Sportklub channels?

Yes, SBB will include both Arena Sport and Sportklub channels in its offer soon.

Why is Arena Sport stopping new content purchases for certain countries?

Arena Sport is focusing on strengthening its services in Serbia and surrounding countries, which will enhance the quality of its sports programming.

What benefits will users experience from these changes?

Users will have access to a comprehensive sports viewing experience, allowing them to watch top-quality broadcasts on one platform.
