Advanced Features of the Requests Library

Advanced Usage¶ 🔗

The document outlines advanced features of the Requests library, focusing on how to efficiently manage HTTP requests using Session objects, which allow for cookie persistence, connection pooling, and default parameters for requests. It also explains how to construct and manipulate Request and Response objects, handle SSL certificate verification, manage body content workflows, and utilize various HTTP methods efficiently. Additionally, it covers the use of proxies, custom authentication, event hooks, and the importance of managing timeouts for requests. The document emphasizes the significance of using Requests in a modular way to enhance performance and security.

What is a Session object in the Requests library?

A Session object allows you to persist certain parameters, such as cookies and headers, across multiple requests, enhancing performance through connection pooling.

How does SSL certificate verification work in Requests?

Requests verifies SSL certificates by default for HTTPS requests, throwing an error if the certificate cannot be verified. Users can customize the verification process or disable it if needed.

What is the purpose of setting a timeout for requests?

Setting a timeout prevents requests from hanging indefinitely by specifying the maximum time to wait for a server response, ensuring that your application remains responsive.
