Critique of Refactoring Examples in 'Clean Code' by Robert Martin

Don’t Refactor Like Uncle Bob. Please 🔗

Correction: Throughout this article, I attribute Chapter 2 of Clean Code to Robert Martin, however I was recently informed that this particular chapter was actually authored by Tim Ottinger. That s…

The text discusses the book "Clean Code" by Robert Martin, also known as Uncle Bob, and evaluates the refactoring examples provided in the book. It critiques the refactoring approach, highlighting issues with the code examples, such as the unnecessary complexity introduced, unclear naming, and the lack of improvement in readability. The author suggests that readers should approach the book with skepticism and come up with their own refactorings. The text also shares the author's inspiration for writing the article, which came from noticing the uncritical recommendation of "Clean Code" to beginners and the recent interview of Robert Martin by a YouTuber named "ThePrimeTime."
