The Enduring Legacy of COBOL: A 65-Year-Old Programming Language

The World Depends on 60-Year-Old Code No One Knows Anymore ๐Ÿ”—

00:00 Introduction

Every day, $3 trillion worth of transactions rely on COBOL, a 65-year-old programming language. It supports major systems in banking, insurance, and government, yet few people know how to use it.

00:24 How COBOL Came About

In 1959, programming faced challenges with portability and high costs. Mary K. Hawes led a project sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense to create a common business programming language, resulting in COBOL.

02:25 What Made COBOL Good?

COBOL was designed to be user-friendly, capable of handling large data sets, and its syntax resembles everyday English, making it accessible for non-specialists.

03:28 COBOL is Still Alive Today

By the 1970s, COBOL became the most widely used programming language. Today, it powers 43% of banking systems, 80% of in-person transactions, and over 60% of U.S. healthcare records.

04:35 How Has COBOL Survived?

Many companies continue using COBOL due to existing systems being deeply integrated and the risk of transitioning to new languages being too high. The complexity and lack of documentation make it challenging to replace.

06:37 Who Actually Works on COBOL Now?

The average COBOL developer is between 45 and 55 years old. Despite its reputation for being difficult, some developers find it straightforward compared to the outdated systems surrounding it.

08:26 So What Next for COBOL?

COBOL will likely remain relevant due to legacy applications. While its popularity may decline as companies slowly transition to newer languages, it still serves critical functions in various industries.

What industries still rely on COBOL?

COBOL is primarily used in banking, insurance, and healthcare, handling large amounts of data and transactions.

Why do companies hesitate to move away from COBOL?

Companies are cautious due to the risk and cost of transitioning to new programming languages, as their existing COBOL systems are deeply integrated into their operations.

Is COBOL difficult to learn?

While COBOL is often considered hard, many experienced developers argue that its perceived difficulty stems from outdated systems, not the language itself. Many find it straightforward to learn.
