Overview of Development Tools: Moclojer and Prestd

avelino - Overview ๐Ÿ”—

CTO at @buserbrasil, open source engineer. avelino has 223 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

Avelino offers an overview of various development tools and platforms. It highlights a simple HTTP mock server called moclojer, which uses specifications in formats like YAML, EDN, or OpenAPI. Additionally, it mentions prestd, a tool designed to enhance PostgreSQL applications with REST capabilities, providing real-time and high-performance features. Lastly, there are links to Avelino's social media profiles, which include Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, where personal interests such as triathlons are shared.

What is moclojer?

Moclojer is a simple and efficient HTTP mock server that allows users to create specifications using YAML, EDN, or OpenAPI formats.

What does prestd do?

Prestd simplifies and accelerates the development of PostgreSQL applications by providing REST capabilities and ensuring instant, real-time, and high-performance functionality.

Where can I find Avelino online?

Avelino can be found on social media platforms including Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, where they share personal interests and professional updates.
