The Debate Over Perplexity: AI, Copyright, and Journalism Integrity

There's Something Deeply Wrong With Perplexity 🔗

It's still unclear what Perplexity's AI chatbot actually does. Wired found that it isn't actually scraping actual news content.

Perplexity, an AI startup once praised for its AI-powered search engine, has come under fire for copyright infringement and inaccuracies in its chatbot's responses. The company has been accused of regurgitating journalists' work without proper credit, ignoring web hosting rules, and producing AI-generated content that distorts facts. These findings have raised concerns about the reliability and trustworthiness of AI-generated news content. The public debate surrounding Perplexity highlights the larger issue of AI chatbots and their impact on original content producers. Despite the company's reassurances, doubts persist about the value added by AI systems that repurpose existing work and potentially undermine the journalism industry.
