Understanding Technical Debt: The Importance of Clean Code

Don’t Ask Permission To Do Your Job Correctly: Avoiding The Technical Debt Trap 🔗

In the most recent stack overflow survey, technical debt was flagged as the biggest source of frustration among developers. The topic is…

Technical debt is a significant concern for developers, often causing frustration. The article emphasizes that developers should not feel the need to ask for permission to do their jobs correctly. It highlights the importance of understanding technical debt as a concept, distinguishing it from "cruft," which is poorly managed technical debt. Clean code is defined through various criteria, such as readability, simplicity, and adaptability. The author encourages developers to practice clean coding and improve communication with management to address technical debt effectively. By doing so, developers can avoid falling into the trap of accumulating cruft and be empowered to maintain high-quality code.

What is the difference between technical debt and cruft?

Technical debt is a strategic choice made with a plan to address it later, while cruft refers to poorly managed technical debt that accumulates without intention or support.

How can developers avoid adding cruft to their code?

By practicing clean code principles, such as maintaining readability, simplicity, and adaptability, and by leaving the code in a better state than it was found.

What role does management play in addressing technical debt?

Management should recognize the consequences of quick solutions and ensure that technical debt is communicated effectively to stakeholders, making it part of project budgeting and scheduling.
