Why Some People Still Choose Intel Macs Over Apple Silicon Macs

Why do people still buy Intel Macs in 2024? - Aren't Apple Silicon Macs better? đŸ”—

In the video "Why do people still buy Intel Macs in 2024? - Aren't Apple Silicon Macs better?" the speaker discusses the advantages of both Apple Silicon and Intel Macs, highlighting reasons why some people still choose Intel Macs. The speaker debunks the misconception that Intel Macs are faster than Apple Silicon Macs, emphasizing that Apple Silicon excels in benchmark and real-world performance. The 2019 Mac Pro 7,1 is praised for its high RAM capacity, making it a powerful Intel Mac. Additionally, Intel Macs are favored for their graphics capabilities and upgradeability, including the ability to use eGPUs and run Windows natively via Boot Camp. The speaker acknowledges the benefits of older Macs' upgradeability and repairability, but notes that the shift to Apple's non-upgradeable laptops is a downside. In conclusion, the speaker suggests that while there are advantages to Intel Macs, the future favors Apple Silicon due to its rapid advancement and software support.
