United Airlines Flight Attendants Authorize Strike for New Contract
United Airlines flight attendants say they're ready to go on strike 🔗

United Airlines flight attendants, with overwhelming support from their members, have authorized a strike to push for a new union contract, which has been overdue since 2021. Ken Diaz, the president of their union chapter, emphasized the importance of their role in the airline's operations and stated that they deserve a leading contract in the industry. United Airlines has expressed its commitment to negotiations, facilitated by a federal mediator, and hopes to reach an agreement by November. The situation is complicated by the Railway Labor Act, which regulates when unions can strike and requires ongoing negotiations if there is potential for a deal.
What percentage of United Airlines flight attendants voted to authorize a strike?
99.99% of voting members approved the strike authorization.
When did the flight attendants' contract expire?
The flight attendants' contract expired in 2021.
What law governs the flight attendants' ability to strike?
The Railway Labor Act governs the flight attendants' ability to strike, which imposes stricter regulations on work stoppages.