Serbian Education Union Proposes Early School Year Conclusion Amid Ongoing Closures

Sindikat prosvetnih radnika predložio završetak školske godine - Morava Info 🔗

Ukoliko se do 10. marta situacija u školama ne promeni, Nezavisni sindikat prosvetnih radnika Srbije (NSPRS) će predložiti da se školska godina završi. To je jedino smisleno rešenje, kaže Dušan Kokot, predsednik ovog sindikata. Pojašnjavajući svoju izjavu koju je ranije danas izrekao na televiziji N1 da je završetak školske godine u martu najpravednije rešenje, Kokot […]

The Independent Trade Union of Education Workers in Serbia has proposed ending the school year if the situation in schools does not improve by March 10. Dušan Kokot, the union president, argues that this is the only reasonable solution, as ongoing school closures create unequal opportunities for students. He emphasizes the urgency, stating that there are only three weeks left before a final decision must be made. If the year ends, students would receive grades based on their first-semester performance, without any final exams. Kokot acknowledges the challenges this poses for student placements in high-demand secondary schools but suggests that no ideal solution exists.

What does the trade union propose if the school situation doesn't improve by March 10?

The trade union proposes that the school year should be concluded if there is no improvement by that date.

How would students receive their grades if the school year ends early?

Students would receive their grades based on their performance in the first semester, without any final exams.

What concerns does the union president have regarding the impact of ending the school year?

Kokot is concerned that ending the year without final exams could lead to a rush for placements in popular secondary schools, creating challenges in the admission process.
