Political Standoff, Military Involvement, and City Competition: A News Roundup
☕️ OPERATION WARP BACKWARDS ☙ Thursday, February 8, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠 🔗

The text discusses three main points. Firstly, it covers the Senate border bill politics, highlighting the failed negotiations between Republicans and Democrats, with the Democrats blaming Republicans for the failure. Secondly, it reveals a significant COVID-related story about the early involvement of the U.S. military in the pandemic response, as reported by independent researcher Sasha Latypova. Lastly, it discusses the outcome of a "race to the bottom" competition between Portland and San Mateo, with Portland being declared the winner. Additionally, the text includes links to the original source and social media platforms for further engagement.
- Senate border bill negotiations and the blame game between Republicans and Democrats
- Significant COVID-related story about the early involvement of the U.S. military in the pandemic response
- Outcome of the "race to the bottom" competition between Portland and San Mateo