The Realism vs. Liberalism Debate in International Relations Today

Realism or Liberalism; what explains international relations today đź”—

In the twentieth century, humankind witnessed two devastating world wars which shaped the international system, as we see it today, but who would have thought that we would again witness...

The text discusses the debate between realism and liberalism in international relations today. It explores the perspectives and principles of both theories, highlighting their achievements and shortcomings. Realism emphasizes the power struggle and self-interest of states, providing explanations for current world events such as the formation of alliances and arms races. On the other hand, liberalism focuses on international cooperation and the establishment of institutions to maintain peace, but faces challenges in addressing certain global issues. While realism is criticized for being pessimistic, it remains relevant in explaining state behavior during global crises. In conclusion, the text argues that realism offers timeless wisdom in understanding international relations.
