Following Your Heart: A Biblical Perspective

What the Bible says about Following Your Heart and your feelings 🔗

00:00 Introduction

Doreen welcomes Nick Campbell, a theologian, to discuss the concept of following one's heart and feelings in light of biblical teachings. Doreen shares her past experiences of relying on emotions for decision-making, which led to negative outcomes.

03:00 The Heart's Nature

Nick explains the biblical perspective on the heart, referencing Jeremiah 17:9, which warns that the heart can be deceitful. He explores the idea of following one's heart versus submitting it to God’s will, emphasizing the importance of aligning desires with spiritual guidance.

06:30 Biblical Heart Guidance

The conversation shifts to how Christians can effectively follow their hearts in a godly manner. Nick suggests that true desires stem from the Spirit, and believers should act according to those desires to fulfill God's will, while also recognizing the ongoing struggle between fleshly and spiritual desires.

10:15 Handling Emotions

Doreen and Nick discuss the role of emotions in evaluating one’s heart condition. Emotions can indicate the state of one’s heart and should be compared to scripture to discern their validity, whether they lead towards God or away from Him.

15:00 Righteous Anger

The topic of anger is examined, with Nick noting that while righteous anger exists, it is challenging to express without sinning. He advises patience and self-reflection when experiencing anger, to avoid negative outcomes.

19:00 Pouring Out the Heart

The importance of honesty in prayer is highlighted, encouraging believers to openly express their feelings to God. Nick emphasizes the need to meditate on scripture to transform the heart and align it with God's truth.

23:00 Conclusion

The discussion concludes with a call to focus on Christ and the importance of scripture in guiding one’s heart. Doreen encourages viewers to follow Nick’s work for more insights.

What does the Bible say about the heart?

The Bible teaches that the heart can be deceitful and should not be the sole guide for decisions. Instead, believers should submit their hearts to God’s will and align their desires with spiritual guidance.

How can Christians follow their hearts wisely?

Christians can follow their hearts wisely by acting on desires that align with the Spirit, which reflect God's will, rather than giving in to fleshly desires.

Is it okay to feel anger as a Christian?

Yes, but it is important to manage anger carefully. Righteous anger can exist, but Christians are advised to avoid sinning in their anger and to handle disputes with gentleness and respect.
