The Spiritual Dangers of Astrology: A Journey to Faith

ASTROLOGY IS DEMONIC: Ex-Astrologer Tells All 🔗

00:00 Introduction to Astrology's Dangers

An ex-astrologer shares her transition from astrology to Christianity, emphasizing the importance of understanding the spiritual implications of astrology and its dangers. She seeks to educate those involved in astrology about its sinful nature and urges them to find salvation in Jesus Christ.

05:00 Personal Testimony

The speaker recounts her deep involvement in astrology and how it shaped her identity. She describes the allure and obsession she had with astrological practices, claiming they justified her sins and inflated her ego.

10:00 Definition and Origins of Astrology

Astrology is defined as the divination of celestial influences on human affairs. The speaker traces its origins back to Babylon and discusses how it evolved through various cultures while highlighting its demonic associations.

20:00 Biblical Condemnation of Astrology

Numerous biblical passages are cited to illustrate that astrology is condemned by God. The speaker emphasizes that astrology is not only a sin but also a practice that leads to spiritual bondage and separation from God.

30:00 Astrology as a Demonic Practice

The speaker explains how astrology serves as a portal for demonic influence, arguing that it distracts individuals from their true identity in Christ and leads them into cycles of confusion and sin.

40:00 Debunking Myths of Astrology’s Biblical Basis

Common arguments that astrology has biblical support are dismantled. The speaker clarifies that while celestial bodies have their purposes, they should not be used for divination or personal prophecy.

50:00 Invitation to Repent

In closing, the speaker invites viewers to renounce astrology and accept Jesus as their savior, emphasizing the freedom and new identity found in Him. A prayer for deliverance and healing is offered.

What is the main message of the video?

The video conveys that astrology is a demonic practice that leads individuals away from God's truth and into spiritual bondage. The speaker encourages viewers to renounce astrology and seek salvation in Jesus Christ.

How does the speaker describe her experience with astrology?

The speaker describes a decade-long obsession with astrology that gave her a false sense of identity and justified her sins, ultimately leading her to seek deliverance and a relationship with Jesus Christ.

What biblical references are used to condemn astrology?

The speaker cites multiple scripture passages, including Deuteronomy 18:9-14 and Isaiah 47, illustrating that astrology is explicitly condemned by God and considered an abomination.
