Understanding the Enneagram: Its Origins and Implications for Christians

ENNEAGRAM EXPOSED! Occult Inspired Personality Test 🔗

00:00 Introduction to the Enneagram

The speaker expresses initial reluctance to discuss the Enneagram, noting its popularity among followers despite her unfamiliarity. After extensive research, she aims to educate viewers about the Enneagram's origins and its infiltration into Christian circles.

15:30 Understanding the Enneagram

The Enneagram is introduced as a personality framework that categorizes people into nine types based on their motivations and fears. The speaker indicates that, while it may seem beneficial at first, it can lead to self-obsession and distract from a true relationship with Christ.

25:00 Historical Roots and Occult Connections

The origins of the Enneagram are examined, revealing ties to occult practices and figures like Oscar Ichazo. The speaker emphasizes that its development involved automatic writing, a method linked to spirit contact, indicating its unholy foundations.

35:00 The Enneagram in the Church

The video discusses how the Enneagram has been adopted within church settings, citing figures like Richard Rohr who promote it as a tool for spiritual growth. The speaker challenges this, arguing that it undermines biblical teachings about identity and faith.

45:00 Identity in Christ vs. Personality Types

The speaker concludes by highlighting that true identity is found in Christ, not in personality tests like the Enneagram. She encourages viewers to reject self-centered philosophies and focus on living according to God’s word.

What is the primary concern with the Enneagram according to the speaker?

The speaker is concerned that the Enneagram leads individuals to focus on self-identity instead of their identity in Christ, promoting narcissism and spiritual distraction.

How did the Enneagram originate?

The Enneagram originated from a combination of ancient wisdom traditions and was synthesized by figures like Oscar Ichazo, who used practices such as automatic writing, which the speaker associates with occult influences.

Why does the speaker believe the Enneagram is problematic for Christians?

The speaker believes the Enneagram is problematic because it promotes a self-serving understanding of identity that contradicts biblical teachings about being a new creation in Christ, leading believers away from their true purpose.
