Researchers Create Detailed 3D Map of Human Brain Fragment

Cubic millimetre of brain mapped in spectacular detail ๐Ÿ”—

Google scientists have modelled a fragment of the human brain at nanoscale resolution, revealing cells with previously undiscovered features.

Researchers have created a detailed 3D map of a tiny piece of the human brain, revealing new patterns of connections between neurons and other cell structures. The map covers a volume of one cubic millimetre and contains approximately 57,000 cells and 150 million synapses. The brain fragment was obtained from a woman undergoing epilepsy treatment and was meticulously examined using electron microscopes and artificial-intelligence models. The map's vast amount of data has been made freely accessible and could provide valuable insights into the workings of the human cortex, potentially leading to advancements in the treatment of psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases.
