Emerging Market for Replica Cauliflower Ears: A Blend of Sports Culture and Consumerism

Is there a mushrooming market for cauliflower ears? 🔗

A US company has applied to patent replica ears moulded from the ears of athletes and sportspeople

A new market is emerging for replica cauliflower ears, inspired by athletes in contact sports. Some entrepreneurs have patented a method to create these artificial ears, which are molded from the unique shapes of athletes' actual cauliflower ears. These replicas cater to fans and enthusiasts who admire the look but do not want to endure the pain of achieving real cauliflower ears. A California company, Dedicated Few, is already selling these replicas, although the future of their patent protection remains uncertain. While some athletes may regret their genuine cauliflower ears and seek medical treatment, the market for the replicas emphasizes a blend of sports culture and consumerism.

What are cauliflower ears?

Cauliflower ears are deformed ear shapes often seen in athletes from contact sports like wrestling, boxing, and MMA. They result from trauma and are seen as badges of honor in the sports community.

Who has patented a method for creating replica cauliflower ears?

The inventors Andrew James Bingley, Walter David McCrindle, and Christopher Brian Prickett have patented a method for creating replica cauliflower ears.

What is the current status of Dedicated Few?

Dedicated Few is a California company that is selling replica cauliflower ears. However, it is unsure whether it will receive full patent protection against potential competitors.
