Automating Style-Based Nits in Code Review

What are nits, and why are they bad? 🔗

Exploring the ambiguous nature of 'nits' in engineering and code review processes, this blog post dives into their definition, impact, and inefficiency. By analyzing real nit comments from Graphite's dataset, the author presents a compelling case for eliminating style-based nits through automation, thereby focusing on substantive communication between engineers, enhancing code quality, and accelerating software development.

The text discusses the ambiguity surrounding the term "nit" in code review, which encompasses both stylistic preferences and non-blocking comments. It argues for the elimination of style-based nits through automation to focus reviews on substantive conversation and accelerate software development. The author analyzes real nit comments and proposes encoding rules in linters and style guides to address nits, which are deemed expensive and time-consuming. By automating away nits, the text suggests increasing the signal-to-noise ratio in code reviews and accelerating software development.
