Choosing the Right Programming Language: A Comparative Analysis of C, C++, Rust, and Zig

Why I am not yet ready to switch to Zig from Rust | by Pekka Enberg ๐Ÿ”—

The author discusses their experience and preference for programming languages, particularly C, C++, Rust, and Zig. They highlight the appeal of C's familiarity and productivity, the improvements in C++11, the initial struggle with Rust's borrow checker, and the attraction to Zig's low-level feel. Despite liking Zig, they express reluctance to switch due to concerns about comptime, debugging challenges, memory management, lack of books and ecosystem, evolving tooling, and industry adoption. The author ultimately expresses a preference for Rust for systems programming due to its productivity and industry support, while acknowledging that Zig may improve with time.
