Dissatisfaction with Codeium: A Review of Its Limitations as a Coding Assistant

Почему мне не понравилась нейросеть Codeium: кажется, она больше мешает 🔗

Сейчас многие компании пытаются внедрять ИИ-помощники в среды разработки в надежде упростить работу программистам и повысить эффективность работы. В начале этого года у нас провели пилотное...

The text expresses dissatisfaction with the Codeium neural network used as a coding assistant in Visual Studio 2022. The author highlights several issues, including the tool's limited contextual understanding, poor code generation quality, and delays in performance. Codeium struggles with suggestions for invoking existing methods and often generates outdated syntax. Although it can effectively autocomplete comments, the author finds that the drawbacks outweigh this benefit. Concerns are raised about the training method for the neural network and its reliance on potentially flawed code. Overall, the author concludes that the current performance of Codeium is unimpressive and does not justify its use.

Bullet Points:

What issues did the author face while using Codeium?

The author experienced problems with Codeium's limited contextual understanding, poor code suggestions, and performance delays.

How does Codeium perform with comments in the code?

Codeium generates better code suggestions when there are comments present, but the author does not typically use as many comments as the tool requires.

What is the author's overall impression of Codeium?

The author finds that the negatives of using Codeium outweigh the positives, concluding that its current performance does not justify its use.
