Enhancing Online Privacy: The Privacy Sandbox Initiative

A new path for Privacy Sandbox on the web 🔗

We developed the Privacy Sandbox with the goal of finding innovative solutions that meaningfully improve online privacy while preserving an ad-supported internet that supports a vibrant ecosystem of publishers, connects businesses with customers, and offers all of us free access to a wide range ofâ¦

The Privacy Sandbox initiative aims to enhance online privacy while maintaining an ad-supported internet. Feedback from various stakeholders has shaped the development of solutions that support both publishers and advertisers. Early tests suggest that the Privacy Sandbox APIs could positively impact online advertising performance, but transitioning will require significant effort from all involved. A new approach is being proposed to empower users with more control over their privacy choices, allowing them to manage settings across their browsing experience. The initiative will continue to focus on providing privacy-preserving alternatives and additional controls, while engaging with regulators and the industry for a smoother rollout.

What is the main goal of the Privacy Sandbox?

The main goal of the Privacy Sandbox is to improve online privacy while preserving an ad-supported internet that benefits publishers, businesses, and users.

How will user privacy choices be enhanced?

A new experience in Chrome will allow users to make informed choices about their privacy settings across their web browsing, which they can adjust at any time.

Who has contributed feedback during the development of the Privacy Sandbox?

Feedback has been gathered from various stakeholders, including regulators, publishers, web developers, civil society, and participants in the advertising industry.
