Exciting Updates in Godot Engine 4.3

10 Exciting Updates Coming in Godot Engine 4.3 🔗

00:00 - Intro

The "10 Exciting Updates Coming in Godot Engine 4.3" video introduces the upcoming version of the Godot Engine, which has received over 1500 contributions from nearly 300 contributors. These contributions encompass bug fixes, new features, and quality of life improvements. The video highlights the top 10 updates that the creators are most excited about.

00:22 - Interactive Audio

The video discusses 10 exciting updates coming in Godot Engine 4.3. The first update is the addition of the audio stream interactive resource, which allows for setting multiple audio clips as substreams and editing the transition between them. The second update is the audio stream playlist, which enables creating a list of audio streams and playing them in sequence or shuffled. The third update is the audio stream synchronized, allowing for playing multiple audio streams together while controlling their volume independently. The video also includes practical examples of how these updates can be used in game development, such as creating different music tracks based on the gameplay elements on the screen.

04:05 - Render Hooks

The video discusses 10 exciting updates coming in Godot Engine 4.3, with a focus on the "Render Hooks" feature. This update introduces the ability to register rendering effects as callbacks in the rendering engine. It allows the attachment of a compositor to a world environment or a 3D camera node, enabling the creation of compositor effects using G script code at specific steps of the rendering process. The video also prompts viewers to share their ideas on how to implement this feature in game mechanics.

05:39 - Editable Children's Fix

The video discusses 10 exciting updates coming in Godot Engine 4.3. One of the updates is the Editable Children's Fix, which addresses the issue where turning off the editable children feature in a foreign node could result in bugs, crashes, and the accidental loss of nodes owned by the currently edited scene. With the fix, nodes owned by the current edited scene will become direct children of the foreign node, maintaining the global transform. This quality of life update improves the usability of the engine by allowing for local changes to be made to the children of foreign nodes.

07:19 - Corrupted Scenes

The video discusses 10 exciting updates coming in Godot Engine 4.3. One major issue addressed in the update is the problem of corrupted scenes, which occurred more frequently in Godot 4 than in Godot 3. However, with the new update, users can now open corrupted scenes with missing dependencies without the need for external tools to fix them manually. This update is highly appreciated by users who previously had to spend significant time and effort fixing corrupted scenes using external tools.

07:59 - Parallax2D

The video discusses 10 exciting updates coming in Godot Engine 4.3, with a focus on the Parallax2D feature. The update includes a simplified Parallax2D node that merges the Parallax background node and Parallax layer node, making it easier to achieve parallax effects. The new node inherits from Node2D and brings benefits such as the ability to use canvas groups and an Autoscroll feature. The update also includes a tool button for easy migration from the previous approach to the new one, providing convenience for users.

09:49 - Global Node Groups

The video discusses 10 exciting updates coming in Godot Engine 4.3, focusing on the global node groups feature. The update includes a new groups manager interface and project-wide node groups, allowing for batch method calls, tagging, and filtering of nodes. Additionally, the project settings will have a groups tab to manage global and scene-specific groups, with the ability to include nodes in local and global groups. Overall, the update brings significant improvements to node group management in Godot Engine 4.3.

10:51 - Compatibility Glow and Bloom

The video discusses 10 exciting updates coming in Godot Engine 4.3. One of the updates highlighted is the addition of glow and bloom support for the compatibility rendering option. This feature will enable the creation of visually appealing games for low-end devices, including old Android phones. The update addresses the loss of rendering features with the migration to Vulkan as the rendering engine, especially for older and low-end hardware.

11:27 - Animation Editor

The video discusses 10 exciting updates coming in Godot Engine 4.3, with a focus on the Animation Editor. The update includes a PR from cookie Badger that makes the animation editor more powerful and easier to use. The updates bring a more consistent behavior for selections, ability to copy and paste keys in the timeline, and a useful improvement where duplicated keys are now placed at the mouse cursor position. These updates enhance the animation workflow in Godot Engine.

12:26 - Get Character Bounds

The video discusses 10 exciting updates coming in Godot Engine 4.3. One of the updates includes a new method called "get character bounds" which allows for the manipulation of individual characters within text labels. This new feature simplifies the process of animating text and allows for creating various effects, such as adding visual cues to players or overlaying texture on text labels. The update enhances the text features in Godot Engine, making it more intuitive and powerful for developers.

14:43 - Wayland Support

The video discusses 10 exciting updates coming in Godot Engine 4.3, with a focus on the addition of Wayland support for Linux users. The update brings support for Wayland, a modern alternative to X11, paving the way for full support in the future. While the current implementation doesn't fully support Wayland, it positions Godot as one of the most modern game engines. The speaker also mentions the possibility of more updates before the official release.
