Switchbot Lock Pro Full Review: Affordable Smart Lock with Apple Home and Matter Compatibility

Switchbot Lock Pro Full Review - New UK Multipoint Compatible Smart Lock with Apple Home and Matter! ๐Ÿ”—

In this video, Mark provides a full review of the Switchbot Lock Pro. The lock is compatible with Apple Home and Matter, making it one of the more affordable smart locks on the market. Mark discusses the price, installation process, design, compatibility, and various ways to use the lock, such as through fingerprints, passcodes, NFC cards, and more. He also highlights the lock's battery life, security features, and its responsiveness. However, Mark points out limitations, such as the lack of guest access options and the absence of Apple HomeKit support. He also mentions the optional fingerprint and keypad accessory available for the lock. Mark provides links for purchasing the lock and teases upcoming comparison videos.
