Hotel Survival Tips and Hacks for Travelers

Must Know Hotel Room Hacks (Top Tips And Secrets You need!) 🔗

00:00 Intro

On the Gold Coast of Long Island, tips for hotel survival and hacks are shared, including advice on unique hotel experiences.

00:21 Hotel room hacks

09:16 Eating and food prep in the room

15:25 Doing laundry on the road

What should I do to protect my luggage from bed bugs?

Place your luggage in the bathtub upon arrival to prevent contamination from bed bugs.

How can I ensure my hotel room is clean?

Wipe down high-contact surfaces like door knobs, phones, and remotes, as they tend to be the dirtiest items in hotel rooms.

What can I use for food preparation in a hotel room?

Consider bringing a portable kettle or immersion heater for hot water, and utilize insulated bags for food storage.
