The Complex Impact of Pornography on Behavior and Relationships

Is porn harmful? The evidence, the myths and the unknowns 🔗

Pornography is now only an internet search away, and is becoming ever more immersive. How is it changing people’s behaviour, relationships and desires?

Pornography is widely consumed globally and has evolved significantly due to the internet, raising concerns about its impact on behavior, relationships, and sexual attitudes. Research presents mixed findings regarding its effects, particularly concerning sexual violence, addiction, and relationship dynamics. Some studies suggest no clear link between porn and increased aggression or divorce rates, while others indicate that excessive consumption can lead to issues like erectile dysfunction and negative attitudes towards women. The complexity of studying porn's effects lies in distinguishing cause from effect, as factors like individual behavior and pre-existing conditions play significant roles.

What does research say about the link between pornography and sexual violence?

Research shows no clear causal link between pornography and increased sexual violence, with some studies even indicating a decrease in certain sex crimes after porn legalization.

How does pornography affect relationships?

The impact of pornography on relationships is complex; while some studies suggest it can lead to decreased interest in partners, others find no significant effect, and the context of viewing (alone vs. with a partner) matters.

Is pornography addictive?

While some studies liken compulsive porn use to drug addiction, there is no definitive proof that pornography itself causes addiction, as individual predispositions play a significant role.
