It started as a zine in the ’90s, and ceases operations in June.
Site de promotion des cultures et des langues cr�oles - Annou voy� krey�l douvan douvan
La sneakers “Bondamanjak” designée par le guadeloupéen Bisso, a été présentée ce jeudi à Paris. Le modèle en édition limitée à 2100 exemplaires, est réalisé par la marque américaine Saucony.
O Meteoro lançou um novo canal no YouTube, a TV Cringe, que junta documentário, ensaio e até react em um formato embalado com uma estética ridiculamente saudosista. A gente ficaria muito feliz de contar com a sua audiência. Ó o link: --- O …
The debate began when Bhavish Aggarwal, who was last year involved in a public spat with Kunal Kamra, said that Amish Tripathi's podcast -- the "History of Sati Pratha" -- was "amazing".
Want to learn French Creole? Then check out this post, which goes over the three main varieties: Haitian, Louisiana and Antillean. We also include some popular words and phrases for each language. To learn more, we've included useful videos and a resource so you can start your Fr…
#nde #afterlife #neardeathexperience #neardeathexperiences I Died & What Jesus Revealed About Black People Will Shock You! - Jesus NDE Shocking Testimony ___________________________ In this powerful Near-Death Experience (NDE) testimony, Jasmine Price, shares her near-death exp…
Neste episódio, a conexão é com o olhar de Tallita F. Kemmer, psicóloga, coach ontológica e muito mais! Nele, falamos sobre o “saltar no vazio", zona de conforto, coragem para enfrentar mudanças e incertezas e ano sabático. Descubra como o desconhecido pode abrir portas para novo…
Se você for viajar para algum desses destinos, não se esqueça de dar uma passada nas cafeterias das marcas de luxo.
As Xiaohongshu — known as RedNote or Red in English — surged to the top of the App Store downloads list this week, users in both China and the U.S. celebrated an unprecedented cross-cultural exchange: "Seeing people actually sharing their lives directly to each other is just beau…
The American economist Bryan Caplan has a pleasing habit of giving his books clear and direct titles. Open Borders (2019) argued for, well, open borders. The Case Against Education (2018) did exactly what it said on the tin, as did Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids (2011). His la…
Stanford University’s Weiland Health Initiative is hosting a Queer BIPOC [Black, Indigenous, and People of Color] dating event later this month.
Two part article breaking down the manosphere and offering solutions to the problem.
Churches can still be appreciated even if you don't believe in God. I'm an atheist who goes to church for many reasons including the meditation value and the enjoyment of the beautiful buildings. Here's why I'm an atheist who still goes to church.
jk i love it too this one’s 4 mark update: this is getting a lot of views rn, i made this in class for a 50 second project on something i feel strongly about, so the sound isn't great and i couldn't include everything i wanted to into that time, its nice to see the positive com…
Buy my debut book and audiobook of poetry now: Follow Me: Instagram: @aijamayrock Facebook: Aija Mayrock Tik Tok: @aijamayrock
Get $50 off the best video editing templates by going to 🚀 Self Mastery School - Meet ambitious people, develop unshakable confidence, and break the cycle of self-sabotage: 👨👩👦👦 Join my free self-impr…
♡HEY PRINCESS, today’s video is for those of you who have never been in a relationship before😍 if you've never had a boyfriend/girlfriend or never been on a date before, let me be your proof that you're not alone 🙂↕️ HOPE YOU GUYS ARE HAVING A GREAT DAY/NIGHT, LOVE YOU XOXOXOX…
THIS is the man widely credited with sparking the whole sexual revolution.
“To exploit enemy superstitions, PSYOP personnel must be certain that: a. The superstition or belief is real and powerful and b. They have the capability of manipulating it to achieve results favorable to the friendly forces.” -Psyop Policy 36: the Use of Superstitions in Psychol…
Don't even try to compare yourself to me. You. Will. Fail. Any disagreement in the comment section must be peer reviewed by approved non-corrupt academics. Seriously though, if you don't know who this ridiculous Chris Langan person is, watch this video:…
9 WEIRD Things OK in Vietnam, Totally ILLEGAL in America. You heard that right! The U.S. might claim to be the land of freedom, but there are things you can’t legally do there—while in Vietnam, it’s no big deal. Curious? Join attorney Ken Duong as he uncovers 9 shocking things t…
Many men want to meet a foreign woman for a serious relationship, so they use dating sites to find Russian, Ukrainian, Filipino brides. In this video I will tell the whole truth about these dating sites for foreign brides, as well as my experience on this site. TOO MANY men still…
Ok I'm calling it the best food market in the world.. is it? Let me know what you think. Borough Market London is world famous for it's amazing fresh food, eat in food stalls and a very romantic movie.. Thanks for watching, let me know you enjoyed it with subscribing and also gi…
#shorts stitch video credit: @matcha_samurai original song from: @GRe4NBOYZ
Un ejercicio de "reciclaje bloguero" es lo que es este post... recupero una de las entradas de hace ya bastante tiempo (unos 4 años!!!) porque veo que la
Explaining everything post-arrest. Thanks for the support. Merry Christmas. Become a channel member: #omegle #cod #codcomedy #codcomedytj #arrest #arrested #trolling #commentary #fyp
A gente brinca, mas amamos o mundinho pantanoso dos famosos... Mas infelizmente, nenhuma suruba foi praticada durante as gravações desse episódio, não por falta de tentativas. Acabou que só exercemos mais uma vez o jornalismo culposo, quando não há a intenção de informar. Nessa e…
A Perfectly Captured Scene of Modern Relationship Problems | The Break Up ................................................................................... 👕 👗 👔 👚 👖 🧥 🛒 Check out our merch: 👕 👗 👔 👚 👖 🧥 🛒 Ch…
In this fascinating video, scientists are left baffled by the discovery of a mysterious tribe with customs and behaviors unlike anything seen on Earth. The tribe’s way of life, spiritual practices, and unique connection to nature have sparked intense curiosity and debate. With tr…
Christians need to STOP making this mistake with LGBTQ people. In this video, I discuss how Christians should address the LGBTQ issue and emphasize the importance of building your worldview from the right foundation. Our book The Gender & Marriage War is available for purchase h…
Sophia Khalifa Exposes the truth about Palestine and Hamas. Purchase My Book: Join the ch…
Watch the full version: Paul VanderKlay - Understanding John Vervaeke's Advent of the Sacred with Jonathan Pageau: Main channel: 💻 Website and blog: 🔗 …
In this video, I explore how the internet is transforming Islam in ways that mirror the historical impact of the printing press on Christianity. As an ex-Muslim, I share my personal journey of questioning religious dogma and how platforms like Reddit, YouTube, and TikTok have bec…
A KIT hírlevél céljai: az információs és könyvtári szakmán belüli horizontális kommunikáció katalizálása, többszempontú és szokatlan szakmai megközelítések felkarolása, a szakmák közötti technológia- és gondolattranszfer erősítése. 2002-től kiadja a GM Consulting. Tulajdonos: Mik…
The best way to discover this glorious building is to come along and join one of our guided tours but for now - here is a little history...
What does it means to be Palestinian in the diaspora?This collection of 100 personal reflections on being Palestinian is the first book of its kind. Reflecting on Palestinian identity as it is experienced at the individual level, issues of identity, exile, refugee status, nostalg…
relationship advice from someone who's single because coaches don't play twitter: join the discord: #genz #zoomers #growingup #advice #commentary #funny #jokes #animation #anime #edit #adviceforyoungpeople #relationship…
Biologist Dr Anna Fitzgerald describes how the explanation of the human condition reconciles men and women, ending the ‘battle of the sexes’ FOREVER!
Watch Franklin Mukakanga and Refentse Molosiwa explain how biologist Jeremy Griffith’s understanding of the human condition will end racism forever.
If you think the world would be a peaceful place if women ruled, then you might not fully understand toxic femininity. In this video, I’m breaking down what it means for femininity to become toxic and outlining the 4 psychological and archetypal profiles of toxic feminine behav…
Join the Patreon now for exclusive new content: 📖 Get The The New Book - The New Book Now Available: Feel Alive By Ralph Smart- Http://…
In the church of San Dionigi in Vigevano northern Italy, on loan by the diocese to a banking foundation, a concert in honour of the devil will be held on the night of Halloween, complete with devilish dress code. The curia, when questioned by the Daily Compass, pleads its ignoran…
“People won’t listen sometimes unless you resort to causing a commotion, and if causing a commotion is how the word gets out and people express themselves, who am I to be like, ‘Oh, no! This isn’t the right way.’”
Having almost got her cancelled, the pugnacious public-intellectualism of Camille Paglia is trending. Why?
In this edition of SPOTM: Why is the one-eye sign everywhere? Why are government officials openly insulting Christianity? More importantly, why is Jojo Siwa so cringy?
‘Discover a new way to engage with the Taylor Swift canon that honors the important emotional and spiritual role her work plays in many peoples’ lives.’…
📱 Follow Me Podcast YouTube channel - 💼 Business inquires for sponsorships Email my manager [email protected] cc me at [email protected]
Los expertos explican por qué un precio más alto no significa mejor calidad, y cómo la moda lenta puede encontrarse a distintos precios.
Harry Potter books and movies contain actual witch’s spells, according to its author. Harry Potter books are sorcery and witch instruction manuals, as this eye-opening interview with Pastor Joe Shimmel of Good Fight Ministries explains. The Harry Potter brands glorify sorcery and…
This dramatic testimony from ex-Scientologist, Athena Dean Holtz, discusses how she worked at the Hollywood Celebrity Centre in the 1970’s. She enrolled John Travolta and other celebrities into their first Scientology classes. Athena discusses the deception of Scientology, and ho…
History of Yoga, the Path of my Ancestors is a 6000 year journey into origin, evolution & development of yoga. The story explores the elements of Yoga in Harappa Civilization, Veda, Jainism, Buddhism, Sufism, Hath-Yogic practices of medieval times & other peripheral doctrines. Th…
Only DailyWire+ members can watch the full episodes of my podcast, join here with code PLUS for 35% off: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. Angela Ucci got into occult practices after the tragic death of her …
Sid Sthalekar is the founder of Neighbourhoods. In conversation with Matthew Monahan. Neighbourhoods: TOPICS 00:00 Introduction 02:24 About Neighborhoods 04:22 Personal Journey and Motivations 08:24 Gandhian Economics 11:25 Reputation Currencies …
Bangladesh has some of the finest bloggers and content creators. If you are looking for blogs on technology, fashion, etc., you should follow these bloggers...
Japanese mermaids — called ningyo, or "human fish" — are as nightmarish as the name sounds. Here's what the legends say about them.
Pornography is now only an internet search away, and is becoming ever more immersive. How is it changing people’s behaviour, relationships and desires?
When I first tried to read Susie Orbach’s 1978 bestseller, Fat Is A Feminist Issue, I was fat. This is not an exaggeration: some people told me this to my face, with a directness I would never have…
Tattooing has been a part of Islamic culture and tradition for centuries. While it is not as popular in the West, it is still an important part of many
Buku novel yang ditulis oleh personaliti media sosial, Aisyah Hijanah berjudul Selama Nafasku Berhembus kini menjadi tular di media sosial.
Denne sommeren skal menn se ut som gnagere, ifølge New York Times og The Guardian. – Et stort kompliment, sier «Makta»-skuespiller og «hot rodent» Sjur Vatne Brean.
On a Saturday morning this winter, while my wife trained for a half-marathon, I was tasked with taking our eighteen-month-old daughter to the neighborhood synagogue for “Shabbat for Tots.”
Hi, I'm Miguel, a tinkerer, hobby developer, and public infrastructure enthusiast.
Drawing from some of the most pivotal points in his life, Steve Jobs, chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, urged graduates to pursue their dreams and see the opportunities in life's setbacks -- including death itself -- at the u…
All I know about human bodies, I know from my own. I know hair can be coily, ears can be lobeless, chins can be multiple, stomachs can be full, waists can have stretch marks, thighs can have cellulite, feet can be cracked, and skin can be darker than walnut wood.
Xi Jinping regularly exhorts China’s diplomats, propagandists, journalists, writers, filmmakers, and cultural figures to “tell China’s story well.”The slogan flows naturally from the operating assu…
Uma série de polêmicas recentes trouxe à tona o tema da nudez na arte, especialmente pela acusação de que até mesmo na arte sacra teria havido, desde sempre, a retratação de corpos nus. Mas o argumento realmente procede? O que a moral católica e a história da arte têm a nos ens…
Pascal Time
Contemporary perceptions of combatants underline how the masculine–aggressive and feminine–passive nexus still lies at the heart of gender and the war system.
A tradition that has been determining men's fate since 1905. I went to go see how people felt about the mandatory lottery that plays with young men's lives. Do people think it's a good or bad thing? In this video we find out from locals, and learn a bit more about this interestin…
Massive thanks to Luke for his help with Ancient Greek Attic pronunciation. In ancient Roman religion, the sacred flame of Vesta was a sacred eternal flame that was kept burning in the Temple of Vesta in the Roman Forum. The flame was guar…
The airplane internet romance Plane Bae, my own viral hell story, and the death of privacy.
She may have lived a troubled life, but she lived it to the full.
The Saraswati went extinct thousands of years ago. Now its evidence is on the same path. This despite governments heavily investing in the search of the 'mighty river'.
The Cartoon Network Studios building was shut down as Cartoon Network employees moved in with the people at Warner Bros. Animation. However, there's a new project that preserves one of the key aspects of this Cartoon Network Studios building - the iconic graffiti stairwell that l…
Porque você deveria assistir Bakuman? Hoje trouxe a minha opinião sobre esse anime/mangá. Bakuman conta a história de dois mangakas e mostra muito da industria dos mangás e animes. Sem contar que foi criado pela mesma duple que fez Death Note. ------------------------------------…
Take your personal data back with Incogni! Use code jacksaint at the link below and get 60% off an annual plan: Lead them to Paradise support links: 💰 PATREON @ 🔴 YOUTUBE @…
We're all constantly bombarded with movies, TV shows, and social media posts showing us just exciting life can be. People do amazing things, go amazing places, live life to the fullest...and then there's you. What do you do if your life is boring? If you appreciate my work, supp…
Key factors influencing music preferences.
Stay connected to me. Work with me. Learn with me. Flow with me. Grow with me. Pour into me. 💓 
The private and public seductions of the world’s biggest pop neuroscientist.
Dear Amy: My husband and I are in our mid-70s
Libraries NI has purchased a number of books introducing the idea of gender-switching to toddlers and primary school children.
A man on Reddit asked others to weigh in if he was right to uninvite a friend from an Oscars party after he refused to replace an expensive bottle of alcohol he broke.
Once a status symbol, the instrument is experiencing a double-digit drop in sales.
In 1987, two innocent teen-agers went to prison for murder. Thirty-seven years later, a juror learned she got it wrong.
New archaeological evidence shows that ancient humans ate each other surprisingly often - sometimes for compassionate reasons. The finds give us an opportunity to reassess our views on the practice
Adonis Protocol (FREE): Adonis School (PAID): Instagram: Twitter:
Dive into books that shaped OpenAI CEO Sam Altman's view on innovation, success, and ethics. A must-read list for aspiring leaders., Features News, Times Now
Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Kiara, a Reno, Nevada woman who cheated on her husband. For ad-free, uncensored videos and plenty of exclusive content please subscribe to the Soft White Underbelly subscription channel at It's $10 a month …
We would all agree that communication is important, and clear communication is impossible when we don’t understand what the other person is saying.
Pattie Gonia is a self-described ‘intersectional environmentalist, drag queen, and advocate for inclusivity in the outdoors.’
Adults put nipple X's and full make up on them
Lessons from Christmas travel.
Some are using terms like "sacrilege" to describe two '90s-themed silent discos held at one of the United Kingdom's oldest cathedrals.
O préstamos en general. ¿Qué piensas? 👉Aprende inglés, alemán, francés o español con LINGODA y si pones el código de descuento (ELENAMAY) o entras con el link ( tienes un descuento de 20 € o 25 $. 👇👇 h…
only the dead can know peace from this FUN
Every kid needs their parents. But for 11 year-old Densel, 13 year-old Harye, 16 year-old Virginia, and the over 11 million children across the U.S. who are the only English speakers in their family, sometimes that relationship gets flipped. This is the untold story of kids who a…
For five years in a row, Finland has been ranked the No. 1 happiest country in the world. A Finnish philosopher and psychology expert shares the habits that make people in Finland so exceptionally satisfied with their lives.
Se você foi convidado a ser padrinho, ou está à procura de um para o seu filho, lembre-se: este é um papel que deve ser levado muito a sério. As ações de um bom padrinho podem fazer, de fato, uma diferença eterna na nossa vida e na de nossos filhos.
La Revuelta de las putas es el texto que Amelia Tiganus presentó en las Jornadas Internacionales de Prostitución y Trata celebradas en Pamplona.
La Revuelta de las putas es el texto que Amelia Tiganus presentó en las Jornadas Internacionales de Prostitución y Trata celebradas en Pamplona.
reflections from my first year on sabbatical
José Carlos acordava antes de o sol nascer, pegava o balde e ia para o curral tirar o leite da vaca para ser bebido fresco no café da manhã. Depois de alimentado, se apossava da enxada e ia com o pai mais o irmão capinar o mato antes que ele tomasse conta do feijão plantado.
Or “How I got my hyperanalytical friends to chill out and vibe on ideas for 5 minutes before testing them to destruction” …
A marching band out of a church on Detroit's east side has helped hundreds of young people earn scholarships.
Paying extra for service has inspired rebellions, swivelling iPads, and irritation from Trotsky and Larry David. Post-pandemic, the practice has entered a new stage.
In pre-War Cambridge, students had to ace an interview with Ludwig Wittgenstein to attend his lectures — Alan Turing passed that test.
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