Expanding Your Vocabulary: 8 Words for Intermediate English Learners

Improve Your Vocabulary: 8 Words for Intermediate English Learners 🔗

0:00 8 Intermediate English Vocabulary Words

The video discusses 8 vocabulary words for intermediate English learners, emphasizing the importance of expanding one's vocabulary to improve communication skills and be recognized as a higher-level speaker. The instructor encourages viewers to challenge themselves by trying to guess the words before the lesson and assures that they will advance their English after learning these words.

1:22 enhance

The text is a transcript of a video about improving vocabulary for intermediate English learners. It introduces the word "enhance" and explains its meaning and usage in conversation. The word is described as a great way to communicate more effectively and efficiently.

2:10 contribute

The text is a part of a video lesson aimed at intermediate English learners, focusing on the word "contribute." The instructor explains that "contribute" means to give time, energy, or money to help achieve a goal or benefit. It emphasizes the idea of being part of a group and making beneficial changes. The lesson encourages viewers to start using "contribute" in their vocabulary to show flexibility and willingness to help.

2:53 adapt

The video discusses 8 words to improve vocabulary for intermediate English learners, with a focus on the word "adapt." It emphasizes the importance of being flexible and able to change in response to new circumstances, and suggests using this word in interviews to showcase flexibility.

3:40 efficient

The text is a video discussing 8 words for intermediate English learners, with a focus on the word "efficient". It explains that being efficient means working well without wasting time or effort, and emphasizes the importance of maximizing time and being productive. The video encourages the viewer to strive for efficiency in order to be more effective in various aspects of life.

4:24 convey

The text discusses the word "convey" and its meaning in the context of communication. It explains that conveying a message involves carrying information or feelings to make something known or understood. The word is highlighted as important for its ability to convey thoughts and emotions, not just words.

5:18 furthermore

The text is a snippet from a video about improving vocabulary for intermediate English learners. It introduces the word "furthermore" as a formal and impactful addition to speech, providing an example of its usage and encouraging viewers to add it to their vocabulary.

6:04 consequently

The text provides a video tutorial on improving vocabulary for intermediate English learners, focusing on the word "consequently" and its meaning of indicating cause and effect relationship. The example given illustrates how an action leads to a consequence, emphasizing the word's relevance for expanding intermediate vocabulary.

6:46 conversely

The text is a video discussing 8 words for intermediate English learners to improve their vocabulary. It specifically focuses on the word "conversely," explaining its usage and providing examples. The word "conversely" is recommended as a valuable addition to one's vocabulary.

7:20 Conclusion

The video concludes with the presenter introducing eight words aimed at helping intermediate English learners transition from the beginner stage and communicate at a higher level. The presenter also encourages the viewers to visit a specific website for more videos on vocabulary, grammar, speaking, and listening. The video ends with a call to action to subscribe to the channel.
