Decline in Fuel Prices Across Major Turkish Cities

Perşembe İndirim Rüzgarı! Akaryakıt Fiyatları 1,50 TL Düştü – İstanbul, Ankara ve İzmir’deki Yeni Motorin ve Benzin Tabloları Neler? 🔗

Döviz kurlarındaki ve petrol fiyatlarındaki dalgalanmalar ile vergi artışları, akaryakıt fiyatlarını etkilemeye devam ediyor. Brent petrolün varil fiyatı, 2021 yılından bu yana ilk kez 70 doların altına düştü.Brent petrolün varil fiyatı, uluslararası piyasalarda 69,94 dolardan işlem görmekte.Brent petrol fiyatlarının

The text discusses recent reductions in fuel prices in major Turkish cities due to fluctuations in foreign exchange rates and oil prices. Brent crude oil prices have dropped below $70 for the first time since 2021, leading to a decrease in gasoline and diesel prices. Specifically, gasoline prices fell by 1.50 TL, with the new prices being 41.78 TL in Ankara, 41.47 TL in Istanbul, and 42.24 TL in Izmir. Diesel prices also saw a reduction, now costing 41.88 TL in Ankara, 41.74 TL in Istanbul, and 42.70 TL in Izmir. No changes are expected for LPG prices.

What caused the reduction in fuel prices?

The reduction in fuel prices was caused by fluctuations in foreign exchange rates and a decline in Brent crude oil prices below $70.

What are the current gasoline prices in major cities?

As of September 12, gasoline prices are 41.78 TL in Ankara, 41.47 TL in Istanbul, and 42.24 TL in Izmir.

Are there any expected changes to LPG prices?

No changes to LPG prices are expected at this time.
