Member of Civic Coalition Criticizes Former Minister and Highlights Fuel Safety Concerns in Oil Sector

Pomaska o raporcie NIK: To gotowy akt oskarżenia wobec byłego szefa MAP 🔗

Raport NIK-u to jest gotowy akt oskarżenia wobec ministra aktywów państwowych Jacka Sasina. Oczywiście, to nie kontrolerzy są od tego, żeby formułować akt oskarżenia, ale to jest zapewne gotowy materiał dla prokuratury - powiedziała w poniedziałek Agnieszka Pomaska (KO).

The text discusses a press conference held by Agnieszka Pomaska, a member of the Civic Coalition, regarding a report by the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) on the improvement of fuel safety in the oil sector. Pomaska criticizes former Minister Jacek Sasin and states that the report could serve as a basis for prosecution. She emphasizes the importance of the issue for energy security and the future of companies like Lotos and the Gdańsk Refinery. The NIK report highlights significant risks resulting from the merger of PKN Orlen and Lotos, including the sale of assets at notably low prices and the potential paralysis of the Gdańsk Refinery due to a lack of shareholder consensus.
