Alabama Enacts New Seafood Disclosure Law

In wake of Mississippi seafood scandal, Alabama is set to enact mandatory disclosure of origin - Yellowhammer News 🔗

State Representative Chip Brown introduced a bill last session requiring Alabama restaurants to disclose if the seafood they serve is domestic or imported. The legislation received Governor Kay Ivey's signature in late May.

Alabama is set to enact a new law on October 1, 2024, requiring restaurants to disclose whether the seafood they serve is domestic or imported, aiming to prevent deception similar to the Mississippi seafood scandal. The law also mandates disclosure of whether fish or shrimp products are farm-raised or caught in the wild, with enforcement responsibility lying with the Alabama State Department of Public Health. The move comes as a response to the increasing prevalence of mislabeled foreign seafood in the state, aiming to support and promote the local commercial seafood industry while ensuring consumer awareness and holding restaurants accountable.
